Art updates and tips!

Yeah, I was thinking to do a post but I couldn't think of one. So I decided to show one of my favorite subjects in a totally new way.
Okay.................. lets get started?
First tip,
Always sketch in light pencil. If you are planning to give it a dark outline, keep a marker or pen handy. Or just make it darker with you pencil.
Second tip,
Always sketch new and different things. Example: Suppose you want to draw a flower. You have already drawn daisies, roses, poppies, dafodils, all the usual stuff. Sudennly you remember you have seen a hibiscus on one of your nature walks. You look it up, and draw that. It's that simple!
Now for the updates!
I am starting to shade my drawings more. My drawings were very cartoonish before!

I am going to post some more crafts.

This is enough for one day!


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