Arty Crafty Projects

I’ve been making a lot of art projects recently and I have been going crazy with all of the art. Really, it’s hard but it pays out at the end.

First is a wooden craft stick box that I made.

How could you not love this. It’s beautiful, compact and I think it was quite easy to make. I just used UHU glue, bright poster paints and of course, craft sticks. I really enjoyed painting this because I mixed a lot of colors to make this beauty.

This is a seashell that I made using a reference. It’s simple and its just a sketch. It was a bit challenging but I managed it in the end. 

Here is another pencil sketch. This one is a monarch butterfly 🦋 that I made using a reference, again. It took some time but I really like the effect in the end!  

I made this cupcake using a reference for the millionth time. It was hard to draw the frosting and that is probably why it looks a bit wobbly. But I managed to draw the wrapper and the lines on it. I think I’ll draw it digitally again sometime.

This Japanese anemone was also made using a reference. It was just a loose, messy sketch. But it still looks pretty nice. 

My strawberry sketch is also made using a reference. This one barely even took two minutes but it looks quite nice. And I like the shading I added. 

These are really all for today but I will be back soon with a post on digital art!


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