A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Books Or Netflix? + review + minor spoilers

Hey guys. I have officially found a new favorite book (or a new series). You can probably tell from the title what it is - ASOUE.
It started when I was doing a sort of Netflix marathon with my cousin, and we clicked on the series. I loved it.
Recently, when I was at my local library, I caught sight of a row of books. My arms couldn't have worked faster. I carried them in a pile to my mum, and announced, "I have found GOLD! PLATINUM! SOMETHING MORE PRECIOUS THAN ANYTHING!"
Alright maybe I didn't get hysterical like that. But I carried the lot to my secret shelf, which no one ever looks at. But yo, MY LIFE WAS COMPLETE.
I went home and decided that the books were - a complete - treasure! Right now my favorites are The Slippery Slope and The Ersatz Elevator. A few things I liked:

- The Quagmire triplets. I almost jumped around the room when...SPOILER ALERT...Q was alive. (I didn't put the full name there, because you'll probably like jumping around the room too.)

- Sunny's toothies.

- The Vernacularly Fastened Door.

- The commonplace books.

Yeah, if I tell you any more, I'll be giving more spoilers. But you must read these books. They're so interesting...so cliffhangery (is that a word?)...so complex...with little secrets hidden everywhere.

Now for the comparison. Books or Netflix?

Here is my verdict:

I do choose the books. But, if you aren't much of a not-always-happy-ending person, the books aren't for you. The Netflix series has a bit more closed and secure future for the Baudelaires and Quagmires.

For me, I think that watching the series helps because I know what the characters look like (at least in the series) and I have free imagination to imagine events happening in my head and imagine what happens after a book, and I can also imagine what IS happening. It's like a movie playing in my head.

So yeah.


This is the most informal post I've ever written. 🙅


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