Heyy! I have some writing tips for you today; I am not a professional or perfect writer, these are just some guidelines that help me write stuff. [ proceed? ] [ yes ] [ no ] tip #1 Use the settings and genres you feel most comfortable writing. If you can't write horror, don't push yourself to. If you find it hard to write about nighttime or the mountains, do something else. In the long run, you should practise writing all sorts of genres, but I find it easier to write about coldness/nighttime, which is why a lot of my stories are mainly set at night. tip #2 Provide details. Details about a person, clothing, setting, view, all draw in the reader. For example, the sentence, "I looked at the mountains" is straight and clear, but if you said "I stared at the mountains, their edges glowing in the setting sun" would work better. Also something like "Her silver dress was beautiful" could be turned into "She was wearing a silver dress,...